About Mythos Review

The Fear Mythos is an immense and ever-expanding community of writers and the stories they've written. The stories can be told in any medium, though there's an awful lot of them told in blogs realistic and otherwise. The only requisite to writing for the Fear Mythos is that, whatever the story is, it must have at least one concept taken from a central pool of motifs (the most commonly-used application of this is in the form of horror creatures known as Fears), or even barring that, it must be linked to another story in the Fear Mythos.

Due to these lax restrictions, the mythos has a lot of room for diverse and fascinating stories, and there have definitely been a good number of those. With so many stories being written, our community often feels like it's begging for critique and feedback. And that's where we come in!

Mythos Review is a centralized review blog dedicated to giving feedback to the writers of the mythos by reading, analyzing, and discussing their stories. But we must warn you: We don't claim to beat around the bush. We might from time to time, but our only philosophy is to give our thoughts on whether a story works or not. Of course, different tact for different critics, so let me introduce our cast:

  • Madinrei is the woman who set this blog up in the first place. She's all for different interpretations of things, and she'll try to be as fair as she can while giving her thoughts on your story. Her reviews tend to be easy to read and nicely structured.
  • DJay32 is the guy who helps keep things prim and proper. He's got a noticeable bias towards artistic vision over realism, and he can be very cynical with his reviews. His reviews vary between conventional and stream-of-consciousness readings.
  • Malus is a guy who really wants to review. He won't hesitate to point out problems, though he also won't hesitate to say he loves a story. His reviews are usually conventionally structured, always easy to read.
More critics are bound to join as time goes on, which brings us to the next point: User interaction! Yes, we will take and post your reviews! Got a review you want us to post? Send it on over to mythosreview@gmail.com with the name you want it credited to! But do note that we don't edit your reviews for you; that's up to you to make sure your review is how you want it to be presented.

Sidenote: The labels for each post represent the author of the blog, not the critic reviewing it. That goes in each post title!

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